In a success-driven environment, we are trying to get rid of the hectic lifestyle. Every great leader has mastered mindfulness to achieve success and happening life. "Mindfulness is nothing but to be aware of the current moment" states Thomas. He further adds that mindfulness makes you feel more alive and present at a place. With thorough research on mindfulness and its benefits, he has highlighted perks about being more productive with mindfulness. Here's what he has penned: Tremendous Stress Relief : Stress, unconscious mind and anxiety affect your productivity at work. Mindfulness is the practice of being conscious at the workplace and overcome different distractions that aid you to work with a clear vision. Improves Interaction With Co-Workers: Mindfulness is one of the effective radical ways to help you avoid conflicts with your co-workers. It frees your mind from arguments which helps you to communicate with your co-...
Thomas Salzano is a rising hair stylist, travel enthusiast, blogger, photographer and motivational speaker. Thomas N Salzano loves to explore the world and have strong knowledge about world's top tourist places. Thomas has explored many places across the globe especially in Asia and Europe.